Row and strength combo workout (+ video tutorial)

Sharing a combination row and strength workout that you can do at home or take to your next gym workout. Our favorite rower for our home gym is here!

Hi friends! Happy Monday! How’s the morning going so far? I hope you had a great weekend. We finished decorating (just need the tree!), had an amazing dinner at Vivace, and got together with some friends. It’s also been rainy here and lovely. I hope you had a great weekend, too!

For today’s post, I wanted to pay a tribute to a fitness tool that we’ve added to our home gym and that we absolutely LOVE: the Aviron! (<— that it my affiliate link and they’re having a Black Friday promo right now! It’s their only sale so far this entire year.) You can check out my full review of Aviron here. Since we added it to our routine, it’s been so amazing to have for at-home rowing workouts, especially since we can stream Amazon, Netflix, Hulu, and play games. I watched half of Les Miserables while getting in an excellent cardio workout.

My all-time favorite way to use the rower is for combo strength and cardio. I’ll do sprints or drills on the rower and alternate with total body strength training moves. It’s also amazing that you can use the seat almost like a Pilates reformer; I’ll often use it for sliding side lunges and pikes.

Here’s a workout that I’ve been enjoying lately! Give this at whirl at home or at your next gym session. As always, talk with a doctor before making any fitness or nutrition changes. Modify as needed and honor your body.

Row and strength combo workout

You’ll complete three rounds of each circuit, separating each circuit with a rowing drill that will increase your heart rate and give you an awesome sweat.

The exercises:

Rowing warmup 5-7 minutes

Take this time to set up proper form, focus on your breath, and get your mindset in the game for a great workout. Play a song that will pump you up!

Circuit 1:

Biceps curl to overhead press x 10

Starting Position: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding dumbbells by your sides.

Biceps Curl: Curl the weights toward your shoulders, keeping elbows close to your body.

Overhead Press: Press the weights overhead, fully extending your arms.

Return: Lower the weights back to shoulder height, then down to the starting position.

Repetition: Complete 10 controlled curls and presses.

Goblet squat x 12

Hold a Dumbbell: Hold a dumbbell close to your chest with both hands.

Feet Placement: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.

Squat Down: Lower your body by bending at the hips and knees, keeping your chest up.

Depth: If you have the mobility, drop down until your elbows touch the inside of your knees.

Stand Up: Push through your heels to return to the starting position.

Repetition: Complete 12 squats with controlled movements.

Bent-over row x 10

Hold Dumbbells: Hinge at your hips, holding dumbbells in front of you with arms fully extended.

Row: Pull the weights toward your chest, squeezing your shoulder blades.

Elbows Close: Keep your elbows close to your body during the row.

Lower: Lower the weights back down with control.

Repetition: Complete 10 bent-over rows with proper form.

ROW: 500 meters

Setup: Sit on the rower with feet secured and grab the handle.

Drive: Push through your legs, then lean back, pulling the handle to your chest.

Return: Extend your arms, lean forward, and bend your knees to return to the starting position.

Distance: Row a total of 500 meters at a consistent pace.

Circuit 2:

Sliding lateral lunge x 10 each

Stand Tall: Place one foot on the rower, the other foot stationary.

Lateral Slide: Slide the foot on the rower out to the side, bending the knee.

Lunge: Lower your body into a side lunge, keeping the stationary knee slightly bent.

Return: Use the slider to pull your foot back to the starting position.

Repetition: Complete 10 lunges on each side.

Overhead triceps extension x 12

Hold Dumbbell: Hold a dumbbell overhead with both hands.

Elbows Bent: Lower the dumbbell behind your head by bending your elbows.

Extension: Straighten your arms, lifting the weight back overhead.

Repetition: Complete 12 controlled triceps extensions.

Weighted hip raise x 12

Lie Down: Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat, holding a weight on your hips.

Raise Hips: Lift your hips toward the ceiling, squeezing your glutes at the top.

Lower: Lower your hips back down, maintaining control.

Repetition: Complete 12 weighted hip raises.

ROW 30 stroke sprint

Quick Strokes: Sit on the rower and row as fast as possible for 30 strokes.

Powerful Drive: Focus on a powerful leg drive and quick, controlled arm pulls.

Intensity: Sprint with maximum effort for the designated strokes.

Circuit 3:

Pike on the rower x 12

Plank Position: Start in a plank position with your feet on the rower.

Hip Raise: Lift your hips toward the ceiling, forming an inverted V.

Return: Lower your hips back to the plank position.

Repetition: Complete 12 pikes with controlled movements.

Push-up with leg raise x 12 total

Push-Up Position: Start in a plank position.

Push-Up: Perform a push-up, bending elbows back 45 degrees.

Leg Raise: Lift one leg off the ground, keeping it straight.

Alternate Legs: Alternate legs with each push-up.

Repetition: Complete 12 push-ups with leg raises.

Plank x 45 seconds

Plank Position: Hold a plank position with your body in a straight line.

Engage Core: Engage your core muscles and maintain a neutral spine.

Duration: Hold the plank position for 45 seconds, keeping good form.

ROW: 100m sprint

Quick Sprint: Row as fast as possible for 100 meters.

Efficient Strokes: Focus on powerful and efficient rowing strokes.

Intensity: Sprint with maximum effort for the designated distance.

Cool down: 5-7 minutes on the rower

Cool down! Breathe, row slowly, and let your heart rate decrease. Take your time.

Here’s a a handy graphic to pin or save on your phone:

and here’s a video tutorial!

If you’re not sure how to put all of your workouts into a solid plan, you can get my free guide on how to create a workout plan here.

Have a great day and I’ll see ya soon!


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